Clanton Creek Natural Resource Area
This 1,115 acre wildlife area is made up of four adjoining management units from west to east and identified by the following - Deer Creek Unit, 120 acres; Turkey Ridge Unit, 275 acres; Clanton Unit, 320 acres; Sawyer Unit 400. It is the largest park managed by the Madison County Conservation Board. This area is managed as a wilderness area open to fishing, public hunting and hiking. This is one of Madison County’s largest remaining remnants of landlocked wilderness. There are no interior roads throughout the entire area which spans 2 1/4 miles east and west and 1 mile north and south. The landlocked feature enables this area to be one of Madison County’s most pristine wildlife areas and prime public hunting areas. Access to the interior of the park is pedestrian only. The primary habitat is upland oak/hickory forest with terrain that varies from gently rolling to steep ravines. Other unique habitats present are oak savanna prairie, ridge top tallgrass prairies, and numerous small wetlands.
Activities include:
Public Hunting: Excellent site for White-Tailed deer, turkey and squirrel hunting. Fair for pheasant and quail in the limited areas of prairie.
Fishing: The 6-acre Deer Creek Pond is open for public fishing. All anglers must comply with the fishing rules and regulations set by the Iowa DNR. Maximum depth of over 25 feet and less pressure from walk-in access makes this an optimum fishery. Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, Crappie and Channel Catfish are kept stocked in the pond.
Hiking: A five+ mile trail system transects this entire wildlife area. Trail markers are set every 1/4 mile providing the user with a good measure of distance traveled. Trailheads are located in the Deer Creek Unit parking lot and east parking lot of the Clanton Unit. The trail traverses a multitude of gradients and would require a hearty traveler approximately two to three hours to complete. No form of motorized, bicycled or equestrian transportation is allowed on the trail. Pedestrian uses only.
Nature Study & Photography: Excellent area for birding and savanna prairie plant identification.
Hike-In Camp Sites: There are two primitive hike-in campsites located along the trail in the eastern portion of the park in the Clanton Unit. There are two additional primitive hike-in sites, one located in the Sawyer Unit and one located in the Turkey Ridge Unit, both most easily accessed by the Sawyer Unit parking area. A small sign and ground fire-ring are the only visible markers designating the sites.
Category: Parks & Recreation
Millstream Avenue
Peru, IA 50222