Jensen Marsh


This 190-acre wildlife area is managed as a natural resource/public hunting area. Due to the diversity of habitats present, Jensen Marsh provides the user with the opportunity of viewing a wide variety of both game and non-game wildlife throughout the year, including waterfowl, upland birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and insects. A wide variety of native wetland and upland species of forbs, grasses and legumes are also found in these diverse habitats.

Habitat types include wetlands, Tallgrass prairie and upland timber. Many of these features can be easily accessed and appreciated from the abandoned railroad right-of-way that runs the entire length (1 1/4 mile) of the park property. Parking areas are available on both ends of the rail trail. Access throughout the park is pedestrian only. Non-motorized boats/canoes are allowed in the wetland areas.

Hunting: Jensen Marsh is an excellent site for waterfowl hunting, as well as good-excellent hunting for White-Tailed deer and turkey. It's a fair site for pheasant and other small game.

Bird Watching, Nature Study & Photography: The wetland habitat attracts a wide variety of waterfowl and shorebirds throughout the spring, summer and fall. For bird watchers, the rail-trail has native grasses and shrubs to provide concealment and the necessary environment to set up photo opportunities for bird watching. The adjacent prairie and timber provide the user with excellent opportunities to view upland wildlife that venture close to the open marsh area to feed. Binoculars, field scopes and various field guide books are a must when exploring this area. For plant enthusiasts, the high quality of diverse habitats at Jensen Marsh provides an excellent area to conduct vegetative studies with over 150 native plant species currently identified with an ongoing plant inventory.

Category: Parks & Recreation


228th Lane and Bevington Park Rd
St. Charles, IA 50240

Jensen Marsh photo